Order Form Packages are PER CHILD. Individual images are not currently offered. Parent's Name * First Name Last Name Email * Kinder/ Child Care Centre Name: * Child(ren's) Name: * Please include first and last name, include sibling names if they also attend. CHILD 1: * Select your package here, please note that packages automatically include all images for 1 CHILD. Wallaby Package (Digital files) - $120.00 Wombat Package - 5 x 7 inch prints + Digital files - $185.00 Bilby Package - 5 x 7 inch prints - $130.00 CHILD 2: Select your package here for your second child (if app) Wallaby Package (Digital files) - $120.00 Wombat Package - 5 x 7 inch prints + Digital files - $185.00 Bilby Package - 5 x 7 inch prints - $130.00 Sibling Photo Package: Select which of the package options you would like for the photographs of your children together. Sibling Print Package - $70.00 Sibling Digital File Package - $60.00 Sibling Print & Digital Package - $100.00 Please manually calculate your order total here: * Payment: * Please select your payment method. Order's will not be processed until payment is received. Orders that miss the order/ payment deadline will incur a $15 admin fee + postage fees of $9.95 BANK TRANSFER - BSB: 193-879 / ACC: 496 931 377 - Use customer reference code from proof sheets CASH: Please provide the exact amount in a sealed envelope with your name, your childs name and the order total and hand it directly to staff behind the reception desk at the centre. Do not hand to room staff. Photographer is not responsible for lost cash payments. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD via paypal: 2.2% surcharge applies. Thank you for your order! If you have ordered prints, you can expect delivery within 2 weeks of your payment date. Prices include postage