Covid 19 policy.
Applies to clients of Hayleigh Beach Photography & MeekyMuu Pre School Portraits
I would like to make all private clients, schools & early learning establishments aware of a range of protocols that I have implemented in response to Covid 19 as follows:
1. Completion of the COVID-19 Infection Control Training - Certificate, available on my website.
2. Prior to attending photography sessions, I will monitor my temperature and ensure it is below 37.5 degrees Celsius 24 hours, 12 hours and 2 hours prior to attendance. At any or each of these times, if it exceeds 37.5 degrees Celsius, or if I am exhibiting any of the Covid symptoms, I will make contact with clients to notify them of postponement until it is established that I am not of a ‘covid’ risk. Whilst providing a photography service, I will also monitor my temperature 4 times a day during the session, this will also be recorded(see point 6).
3. I will adorn PPE as standard whilst indoors, including gloves, mask and/or face shield, as well as whatever is required within your own protocols, I will maintain a 2 metre minimum distance where required and ensure no physical contact is made with any child or staff member. I will keep hand sanitiser on my person and regularly sanitise. The same practice will be observed for outdoor photography sessions, however, my mask will be dropped when/if necessary to provide clear guidance(posing etc) to subjects where the distance between subject and photographer is greater than 3 metres.
4. My kit & kit bag will be sanitised at the end of each day, whilst it is unlikely that anyone other than myself will touch any of this equipment, it is another measure to ensure I am doing all I can to reduce any risk to my clients & families, as well as my own family.
5. The Government Covid Safe app is installed on my phone and has been running since it’s public release.
6. A data log will be made available to anyone requesting it, advising which locations I have provided photography services to, as well as the results of the daily temperature check leading up to and during the photography session.
7. All photo products purchased will be shipped directly to parents/ clients, this will reduce the amount of human transfer risk, this will mean parents/clients have to cover the postage costs(typically $6-10), this will be made very clear in parent/ client communications I provide. The print lab I am affiliated with has been successfully operating in a Covid Safe state so far throughout 2020.
My priority is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone, staff and pupils alike, and I anticipate that the aforementioned changes to my protocols will be well received. I would also welcome any advice or recommendations you might like me to consider and /or adopt in my future operations.
I thank you for your support and understanding during these difficult times.
I wish all of your wider community, a safe and healthy return to a ‘normal’ life and look forward to a continuance of our happy association.